Sphynx Facts
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The Sphynx Kitty is an affectionate and intelligent cat with a unique sense of humor and tendency to show off for attention.
Friendly and loving, this is a loyal breed who will follow you around and take every chance to jump in your lap and cuddle.
They will cherish your companion, but also the companion of other cats and dogs.
The Sphynx is one of a few hairless breeds. Striking and distinctive in appearance, they do not lack hair entirely. Fine down covers the skin of most Sphynx, giving the skin a chamois or suede-like texture.
Light hair is usually visible on the nose and backs of the ears.
The belly of the Sphynx should give the appearance of having recently eaten a large meal.
Because of their friendly nature, Sphynx often make excellent show cats as they are highly accepting of new people and easy to handle.
Because of their lack of absorbent coat, Sphynx tend to get oily, but they are not hypo-allergenic.
Eating machines
Sphynx Kitty is known for their gluttonous appetites, and this is a characteristic of the breed due to their lack of coat.
They have higher metabolisms, and thus have a higher caloric need than most other breeds.
Over bathing is a common issue in Sphynx husbandry, to the detriment of
the cat. Over bathing alters the PH balance of the skin, which causes an overproduction of sebum and an unappealing tacky feel to the skin.
Sebum is a natural, and necessary component to healthy skin. It helps moisturize, creates a protective barrier against UV radiation, and many of the fatty acids in sebum have antimicrobial actions.
Though skin quality does vary greatly from one line to the next, diet and environment do play important roles in skin health as well. It’s generally far more effective to keep the environment clean, than to over bathe your cat.
Easily chilled?
If YOU are comfortable in the ambient temperature of the environment, then THEY will be comfortable as well.